The Last Show and Auction!!

Today is the last day!!

A closing show with KV Dream Fashion Agency and the final auction of the Dreams Way charity event. 
Do not miss the chance of winning one of the following

Kiddo Oh (Dead Dollz)
Anna Sapphire (Fashion Expert)
Skip Staheli (Photographer)
Dougie Boxen (Style Kingdom Magazine)
Falbala Fairey (Fashion Expert)
Riri Bazar (H.M.A.E.M.)
Mila Tatham (Solidea Folies) 
Natzuka Miliandrovic (Photographer)
Viviana Houston (Singer)
Cecilia Susanti (Singer)
Astralia Resident (Photographer)

This is the last chance to give your help for this cause.

Here your Limo!

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